80s Deadlifts In The Home Gym
It was Halloween, and Molly was on vacation. As I normally do, I had to find a way to make her laugh.
I noticed that eighties’ workout costume I bought last year and that it would be perfect. The irony of it too with heavy deadlifts. It actually still fits me. I’ve gained some weight over the past few months by not really caring all that much, as my mind’s been preoccupied with all of my family stuff. My mental state is improving one day at a time.
I didn’t even tell her I was heading out into the garage when I was warming up. I just went out and started warming up. The deadlifts were feeling surprisingly good for me today, with my legs feeling like dead weights after yesterday’s hike. I tried to take my time with the lighter sets but ended up working my way up quickly.
When I was up to the last two sets, I went in the house and told Molly I was up to my heavier sets, since she likes to watch. The second-to-last set at 265 (rounded up) felt great. The final set was one plus set at a fairly heavy 20 pounds. I made one rep pretty easily but stopped there. I started to feel it in my hand. Yesterday afternoon, I tripped and jammed the space between my fingers into the corner of the washer. It hurt a lot, and it hurt to just touch it. Today it was better, but I would rather not aggravate it again, so I cut the lifts short.
It’s been months since I’ve done such heavy deadlifts, so that is another good reason to not push the weight too much.
Both of my missions were accomplished today. I got my deadlifts for the week in, and I made my girlfriend laugh her ass off. I don’t know what happened to the fanny pack and legwarmer things that came with it, but it was funny enough without that stuff too.