
Visually impaired fitness and everything else in this shit show.

A Little Over Two Minutes Shaved From A Repeat WOD is A Success To Me!

Today’s WOD was a redo of an old one and they gave the day of when it was last programmed so I was able to look it up and see what my past time was for it. Wodify is a steaming pile of shit but at least I was able to get it to work enough to find that. I through on Virvum’s Illuminance for my music choice and embraced the pain.

The WOD itself was simple enough. It was a few burpees, then a sand bag lunge + lunge + thruster for 30 rounds. It really did suck but I got through it again. Last time my time was 19:07 I think. This time I had 16:50. I was hoping to be in the 15 minute range but I’ve had a knot in my hamstring for the past few days that just hasn’t wanted to release. Coincidentally it seems to be gone now. Usually when that happens about once a year or two it takes the right WOD to make it release.

In hindsight I could have maybe gone a little harder in the WOD than I did. I believe I over paced it a bit once I realized my heart rate got into the 160s very early on in the WOD. It slowly climbed after that and stayed above 170 for the last 8 minutes or so. Ideally I wouldn’t have over pulled the sandbag while power cleaning it at about 10 or 15 reps in and throat punched myself with it but at least that wasn’t as bad as when I do it with the bar.. Overall I am happy with how I did while performing this particular WOD.

I kept wanting to go faster but purposely stopped myself. I wanted to be sure to pace it and not crash and burn like I have done so many times in the past. It’s sort of easier for me to do that here rather than in a class setting. In the latter I would fall into the nonproductive trap of trying to keep up with someone I had no business trying to keep up with. That certainly helped me push myself at times but other times I just hit failure and crashed and burned trying to keep up with people.

One of my favorite times I can think of at the gym though is when there was a woman that had something to do with the army. She was bad ass too. There was this WOD we did that had sets of 30 push presses. I forget the rest of it but we got to the last set of presses at the same time and had are stuff set up next to each other. She wouldn’t put the bar down and my shoulders were on fire. I did the set unbroken. After the WOD she told me she was waiting for me to put the bar down because she wanted to break the set up. We thanked each other for pushing each other.