
Fitness and everything else

Broke Out The Fifties For A WOD For The First Time In I Don't Know How Long

I slept great last night. I mean, I slept the best I have in weeks. In the middle of the night, I did wake up and need to piss, but that’s because I drank a bunch of water before bed. Last night, I was just super thirsty, so I drank a bunch of water late.

I woke up feeling great and got to relax and enjoy my coffee. I guess the good sleep just had me waking up in a good state of mind.

After seeing what it was going to be, I got this week’s vault workout done last evening. It was a pretty dumb WOD at least for me to do, but I did it. It’s out of my mind now, and I don’t anticipate ever really wanting to do it again. While drinking my coffee, I was hunting down a workout to do and thought I wanted something simple.

I have had a death workout on the back burner to redo from some time ago. It was just dumbbells, a deadlift, a hang power clean, and a squat, adding one of each every ninety seconds. I have been waiting for my wrist to feel better and then giving it a little extra time after that.

This is the perfect type of WOD to work in a heavier weight that I am not used to using. I have gone on periods of predominantly using the fifty-pound dumbbells, then periods of lighter weights depending on how I felt. Lately, I have been sticking with even lighter weights than the normal RX forties.

The lower reps that climb slowly give some extra time to get used to the heavier weight. As always, these heavier weights always feel a bit clunky. Not only because they are heavier, but also because the handles and heads are significantly larger than the forties. It’s a pretty big jump in size. The first couple of sets felt tougher than they should have. I was feeling a little rusty with the heavier weight, but that was normal. As I got moving, they felt better, and I sped up the sets.

My main goal, which seemed reasonable to me for this workout, was to make it through the sevens. That was short of Street Parking’s goal, but I knew I was using much heavier weight than I have been using. They felt great once I got warmed up, and Molly said my form never broke. I stopped after completing the seventh round because I felt like my recovery just wasn’t keeping up. Keeping in mind that I haven’t practiced these heavy movements in a WOD, I don’t know how long I wanted to keep it where I didn’t lose focus. I intended to stop after completing the first round, but I didn’t go unbroken, and that’s what I did. I broke between the deadlifts and hang cleans this round.

I think I will have to keep in mind that I should bump the weights again. We’ll see how I feel later, though. I’ll have to at least consider pushing the weight when I am feeling good.

Music for the WOD was Corrosion Of Conformity