
Fitness and everything else

Great Sky To Start The Day

Yesterday was a rainy, dark and dreary day. The original forecast for today was for it to be partly sunny later. Instead, when the skies began brightening as the sun was rising, I noticed that it was mostly clear. That was a nice surprise.

Later on as the sun was close to the horizon I looked outside thinking there might be a nice sunrise. Sure enough, there was. Today it was the line of clouds off on the western horizon that were illuminated in pinks and oranges.

Great Skies To Start The Day

This is a picture of clouds illuminated by the sunrise. They are shades of pink and orange

The sunshine ended up not lasting very long today, but it was nice to see the pretty sunrise. A bright and colorful sky is always a great way to start off a day. I make sure that I take the time to take it all in and really enjoy every great sunrise I get the opportunity to see. Life’s too unpredictable and shore to not enjoy the great things about it.

Today’s sunrise was far from one of the best, but it was there to enjoy regardless.