
Visually impaired fitness and everything else in this shit show.

Retried The WOD That I Aborted Yesterday Today

Yesterday I had tried this week’s vault WOD and stopped after the first rep of pull ups because my shoulder was feeling pretty tight from all the deficit push ups the day before. I figured that if I was feeling off on just the first rep of what would be a shoulder intensive WOD with lots of pulling the wise thing to do would be to not do it. I figured if for any reason it would be smart to wait a day and make sure it feels better because those push ups do add a nice deep stretch.

This morning I decided to give the WOD another go and see how it felt. I wasn’t going to push it to the limit but I wanted to push myself a bit. I chose the strict pull up option because while I can kip to a point now I still think it’s a pretty dumb movement. That would have give my shoulder a lot more work too and with them feeling tired I didn’t want that today. The pull ups felt good today but I took them in smaller sets than I might otherwise have done just to make sure I stayed fine.

I went with the sand bag option for ground to over head today. Double dumbbell snatches in program A just haven’t really clicked too well for me. They make my feet have to be wider than they want to be. With the layout of our garage I didn’t have quite enough room to comfortably do barbell power snatches and have room to bail without smashing the rower or gas heater, neither of which would be good. I would have preferred the barbell option but didn’t want to take that out on the patio with the threat of rain.

The row went okay. I just don’t have a good feel for how to pace rowing for calories. If it’s meters generally know where I am within a few dozen meters at any point but for calories I just don’t have that so I have to stop to look at the monitor a couple of times during the row to have an idea of where I am and how my pacing is going. I will never be able to see that PM5 without putting my face practically on top of it and it’s just something I have to deal with. The rows actually felt pretty good at least.

The ground to overhead with the sandbag were easily my fastest movement of the WOD but that’s how I expected it would go. If I’d done barbell power snatches they’d have been even faster.

I got a good workout in so that made me happy.

Music for the WOD was Kamelot