Some Days A Simple WOD Really Spikes The Heart Rate!
I slept pretty decently last night but woke up to Molly’s alarm. I felt really well rested. As a matter of fact, I’ve felt great all week and have really felt refreshed. I’ve been sleeping great!
We’ve also been eating better now that we have a new fridge. The compressor was going out on the old one, so we’ve not been eating as many vegetables because we expected the fridge to die at any time. There was too much junk food or fast food, but we’re back to normal now.
Feeling pretty good this morning, I wanted to get a WOD in early so I could relax and get a shower. Because I felt disgusting, I got a shower before doing the WOD, but it’s not so bad this time of the year.
I selected a simple one from back in the past, since I’d already done today’s WOD. There have only been like two a week programmed lately that I even feel are worth my effort at all to do. I have zero interest in most of the extra programs for a trophy, as they like to call it. It’s not a game to me. I know where to find that stuff if I’d like to. I want straightforward workouts. Ideally with simple rep schemes and not overly complicated scores, I’ve stopped really even bothering to keep score lately. I strongly dislike the gamification of everything in general; that’s such a fad these days.
The WOD was just a bunch of rounds of 6 hang snatches per side and air squats. I went with the 25-pound dumbbell today to move a little faster.
It feels fine today, but I was also a little concerned about my finder that I had smashed yesterday. I got it between the handle of the 35-pound dumbbell and the edge of the box. Not fun! That takes serious skill. It’s a skill that I have—the skill of doing stupid shit. It slowed me down in my WOD yesterday.
Back to today now, though. I did pretty well with this workout. Maybe a tad slower than the last time I did it, but no more than a few seconds, I don’t think. It really spiked my heart rate, though. I was breathing pretty heavy, but it was manageable and controllable. That final round, when I went all out, my heart rate peaked in the upper 170s. That’s using the chest strap, so it should be pretty accurate.
Music for the WOD was Abnormality.