
Visually impaired fitness and everything else in this shit show.

Took The Strongman Sandbag For The First Time In Months.

I have been itching to get a WOD in with my 115 pound strongman sandbag for a while now. Of course, with winter, the weather isn’t all that cooperative to take it outside. When the weather was cooperative, I did other things outside. A few of those days when the weather was agreeable we took the sled out, which is another brutal but tough thing.

For supper tonight, we had pizza and I had a couple of shots of the Knob Creek Smoked Maple Bourbon. I saw it at the state store when I was looking for something different to try and that caught my attention. The best part is that I actually liked it a lot. I liked the taste of it and the smokey maple aftertaste. We also had a rum and coke with supper.

After supper, I relaxed and digested a bit while surfing the web on my computer. I was looking at fitness stuff and got inspired to get a second WOD in for today. The one I did this morning was pretty easy. I was thinking all day that I would try to do a second one this evening since we weren’t going to go out to Joy’s tonight.

I settled on a Street Parking WOD from a few weeks ago that I have been wanting to do, but the weather wasn’t cooperating. They offered a D-ball version, so I knew it would be a good one to play with the strongman sandbag. It’s been a long time since I’ve gotten that chance.

The WOD was EMOM of two odd objects over the shoulders, then a burpee over the object. For the burpees, I chose to do them over another sandbag. That was just more sensible to me. The strongman sandbag reps stayed the same, but the burpees increased each minute, so I guess it was more of a death by.

The sandbag over the shoulder was a little slow today, as I am a little rusty on that movement. Really, the slowest part for me is getting a good grip on it. You can’t really grip it, but you have to get your hands under it. That 115 pound sandbag is heavy to get up and over the shoulder with no handles or anything, too. I forgot just how heavy it is.

I only completed six rounds. Well short of their goal, but it met my goal. That part that actually slowed me down the most was those damned burpees over the sandbag. I just sort of have to turn around and reset myself to do each one. To make matters worse, I didn’t bother to sweep all the maple seeds from the neighbor’s tree off the patio. I did the sandbag stuff on a mat, so that wasn’t an issue. But with the burpees, I was doing them just on the pavers, so my feet kept slipping out from under me when I kicked back or jumped.

I’ve said it before, but it is certainly worth repeating. I love this odd object stuff, It translates to real life needs more than the dumbbells or barbells. What is the best way to carry a heavy bag of something? Clean it up to your shoulder and take it where you need to take it. That sort of thing is usually unbalanced and no good way to grip it, just like this sandbag is. The strongman sandbags are still a great addition to our toolbox.

Music was Candlemass