WOD Then A Short Hike And A Few Caches
I woke up and knew today would probably be the best day weather wise of the week to take my barbell outside and complete the running version of this week’s vault WOD. It’s essentially Isabel then run 800 meters then Grace. I did the row version of this last night at too light of a weight but it made sense to try a lighter one and complete the WOD rather than get bogged down by weight.
Today I went with the RX weight of 95 pounds. My heaviest Isabel in at the gym was 95 pounds so that’s why I had been hesitant to go with this weight for this WOD but I got to thinking last night how I just did the power snatch EMOM at 95 pounds then the last few minutes at 115 so I should give it a try. It turned out that the weight really wasn’t an issue for me at all when it came to completing the snatches. I still finished that portion of the WOD in 3 to 4 minutes.
I ran into a small issue with the run though. I did shorter laps to avoid crossing the cross street any more than I had to because whenever I am running in the alley that’s when there’s traffic. The issue I had is I did an extra 200 meters because I miscalculated in my head or maybe I was thinking of the 1000 meter row yesterday. It’s not like it was a big deal or anything. It just gave me a little extra work.
The clean and jerks were not even close to being an issue other than the simple fact that they were way too light for my liking. Well I can’t really say they weren’t an issue because by this point int he WOD my hands were so sweating and slippery the bar was a little more difficult to hold onto just like last night.
I ended up with a score towards the upper end of the goal time but the running for me is visually a bit slow. It was nice for a quick little WOD outside on the patio today in the sun.
After recovering a little bit we went for a few caches and a nice short hike up and Speedwell forge. We only put in about two miles or so but it also only took about an hour including the three geocaches and avenging an old DNF. I can’t really find anything to complain about with this nice 70ish degree day in the early spring with little wind and it not raining. It was great to finally get out in the woods for even just a little bit.
A nice relaxing small stream at Speedwell Forge Park

The best part of this day and our short little hike up here was the small stream that runs through the area. It would be such a great spot to just sit down and relax and take in nature.
The birds were out and about today and multiple wood peckers were doing their thing. Spring is here!