
Fitness and everything else

Wood Chips Unfriendly To Disabled children

Wood chips ruled unfriendly to disabled kids

A judge in California ruled that using wood chips around playground equipment violates disabled children’s rights. The article says that this could force them to have to use a different type of playground surface. I’m all for accessibility, but I think this is unreasonable that the play structures be accessible to them. I just can’t imagine how someone in a wheelchair is really going to use it.

They want the school to replace the wood chips with that rubber stuff, which would cost 8 times as much. That’s why I just don’t think it is reasonable.

Everyone has limitations. Everyone will not be able to do everything. I know what it’s like to not be able to do something. I wanted to play baseball as a kid, like my brothers all did, but I realized that it wasn’t going to happen because I can’t see well enough.