
Visually impaired fitness and everything else in this shit show.

Tag: πŸ“ƒ Blog

Accidentally Commented Out An SCSS Include

Oops. It seems I accidentally commend an include for the SVG classes in my SCSS file. I noticed it and fixed it today.


Checking out CSS Grids

I am finally getting around to at least checking into switching my layout over to using a CSS grid instead of flexbox.


Working On Simplifying My CSS

I’ve been wanting to simplify my CSS for a while now, including getting rid of classes where I can. I finally began working on that the past two days.


Changed The Way I Do My Pictures

I changed the way I take my pictures. It’s less automated now, but it should be more efficient in the long term. It will definitely be more portable if I decide to switch site generators.


HSL Colors

All these years, I’ve been using hex colors because that’s what I knew. I recently read about HSL, which is more intuitive, so I switched to that.


Messing Around With Making SVG Charts From My Weather Data

I am messing around with using Zola to generate SVG charts from my monthly and yearly weather data.


Changed My Weather Partials To Use Dict Instead Of Scratch

The idea of using a dict to make my weather partials a little easier to read has intrigued me for a while. I did some learning and then finally got around to switching it over. Looks much cleaner now.


Switched My Image Processing Shortcode To A Render Hook

I just discovered what render hooks are in Hugo. I never looked into it before, so I took the past couple of days to switch my image processing short code into one of those.


Dart Sass Was Not Working For Me in Hugo

Hugo can do some neat things with dart sass, so I’ve been trying to switch to using it. Libsass seems to be depreciated, so I switched to the newer one. Luckily, the Linux binary works in FreeBSD


Quick Little Shortcode Take Information From Data And Create Links

I’ve contemplating adding more links to my website. Maybe a bit of a directory even of links to things I like. It really seems things have gotten so hard with good lately. I brainstormed a bit then wrote it last night and this morning.


Reworking Some Shortcode To Partials

I’ve been working on converting some of the shortoces I use in Hugo into partials. It took some time but it will make my life easier.


Shortcode Now Deals With Rotated Images

I’ve wanting to modify the image short codes that I use so that they’re more automated. I finally got around to solving that now.


Finally Wrote A Hugo Shortcode To Deal With Generating Tables For My Weather Station Data

I’ve been working on making myself a short code to deal with translating an unusual CSV file into data that’s usable to Gohugo. It was to make my personal weather station’s data available on here. The go templates just are not something that’s super intuitive to me.


Tweaking My CSS And Partials

I have been slowly working on tweaking the layout files and CSS for my site here. It’s been fun learning new things and learning how powerful CSS has become.


I'm Looking Into Alternative editors For Markdown

I am looking into alternative editors for markdown. I’ve been using Kwrite and it works well enough but if I could find something more catered to markdown I think it might be useful.


It's Been Almost A Year Since I Switched From WordPress To Hugo

It’s been almost a year now since I switched from WordPress to Hugo It’s been a learning curve at times but has been great for me and I no longer have to worry about my WordPress getting hacked fro not updating it. It’s also nice not having to keep PHP up to date.


Trying Out Hugo

I don’t post here that often anymore. I’m just to busy. I’d used WordPress for years but had to keep it updated. I saw Hugo mentioned some place and thought it might be a better fit for me. I’m looking forward to learning to set it up the way I want ikt.
