
Fitness and everything else

My Hugo Process

I’ve switched static site generators but I thought this may be useful for someone using Hugo like I did. This was my process when I did still use Hugo.

It’s pretty simple to make a new post or page now.

I create the markdown file.

Then I run hugo server on my local machine and go to localhost:1313 to test it and tweak anything I need to tweak. This method is more intuitive than typing out the HTML tags or using includes. It also takes care of the linking and menu which is the easiest part to fuck up when doing the HTML all by hand.

Hugo server

Once I’m happy with it it’s as simple as

hugo --cleanDestinationDir && rsync -avz --delete public/ <username>

to sync it. Shit it’s even in my command history now I don’t even have to type it. It only takes a second or two to rebuild and rsync everything after editing it.