This will be more less about me and my various interests which as you can see are all over the place. I’ll update this and the sub pages as I have time and think of things
I was born Visually Impaired. It’s part of what makes me who I am.
I was born with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia. Yea, as if the cornea deal wasn’t enough I was born with this botched gene too!
I’m an atheist.
I love most types of music.
Radio, I love trying to understand it.
As a kid and to a point later in life I’ve collected rocks and minerals Rocks and minerals.
I’ve always had a deep interest in computers from a young age.
I’ve always enjoyed nature and the woods.
I love playing video games.
I have always enjoyed reading.
As a kid I used to enjoy painting.
Here are some things I’d love to do someday.
About Deth.
Why do I keep this domain up and running?
I have always loved and been interesting in how weather works and why things happen.
I have always been an animal lover. Throughout my life we or I have had various pets
I am discovered that my dad is not my biological father.