
Fitness and everything else

I Haven't Really Worked Out Since Last Wednesday And It Really Pisses Me Off

Last Wednesday, I upped the intensity on a WOD and felt a bit wiped out over it, but I didn’t think anything of it.

By Thursday afternoon, I had a fever. Living in an area where half the population thinks it’s just a hoax or only the flu it was inevitable but still, I, well we, took every precaution we could feasibly take. We have not gone out to eat and have only brought take out home. Gone to the store the minimal number of times we could. Watching everyone else do as they please certainly has been frustrating at times, but I am thankful that I didn’t spread it to anyone not in this house. I did the right thing instead of twisting things to fit what I want them to be. You know, the “herd immunity” crew.

I am sorry but in my books 250 thousand plus deaths and who will ever know how many people with long term side effects is not acceptable. It’s true most people are fine and so far, I am as I had always assumed but if I were going out with them, I have friends that wouldn’t have a chance. They’re continuing to defy reality, but I am happy with the fact that I have nothing to do with that.

It turns out for me that the DOMs I had wasn’t really DOMs at all, which really isn’t that surprising at all given I never got the soreness. I had just made the wrong assumption, it’s because I have been lifting more and doing more WODs to push my goal of 500 Street parking WODs by the end of the year. That’s out the door now though since I decided to take it easy and do nothing more than light, keep moving, rows to allow all of my energy to go to the immune system.

I miss my daily exercise, but I don’t know how good of an idea it really would be, too much intensity with the current coronavirus infection going. I will, hopefully, be a short-term bump in the road and I won’t end up with the lasting problems. Thankfully we have the rower here, and I have managed to get in a few sessions of easy, 2000 meter rows to keep the blood flowing and help me have something to do other than look at the same four walls.

I feel like I am on the tail end of this sickness and haven’t had a fever since yesterday. The muscle achiness is way down, too. My Garmin actually shows my body battery going way up rather than sitting down near the bottom like it has since last week. That should have been my first clue to myself that I was getting sick.