
Visually impaired fitness and everything else in this shit show.

Long's Park In Lancaster Is A Mess Now

We stopped by Long’s park Saturday and ate supper at one of the picnic tables. After we ate, we walked around the pond to see if there were any baby geese or ducks. I knew they got rid of most of them and stopped people from feeding them, but we figured we’d look anyway. No babies around.

They got rid of them because of them shitting on the ground. What was astonishing is how much more trash there is lying around the park. I used to be surprised how little trash there was before. That has really changed. Now there is trash laying all over and all kinds of stuff floating in the pond. I don’t know if the ducks and geese at the trash or if people just got messier. It was just disgusting to see how much crap was in the water.

It reminded me of parks near Philly, where I grew up. People in that area just throw trash anywhere.