
Fitness and everything else

Thinking About Going Back To Hugo

Something made me look at AsciiDoc, and the syntax looks good, and it does more things. Whether I go through with it or not will be something that time will tell. As it’s not something I’m in a big hurry to do, I just want to play with a new toy..

These are the pros that, I think, would come from it.

Here are some of the cons I can see from switching back

I did a quick conversion using kramdoc on my old Hugo stuff, and it worked after a little trial and error, and the site generated fine. It was significantly slower, but I expected that. I will take my time playing with it and see if it’s worth completely switching back to Hugo or not, but at the very least I will learn some new things and new tools. There were lots of things not right with it like the fact that it ate the front matter. It also screwed up the tables.

If I do go through with it, I know it will be a longer project to get it right. I would redo my Hugo partials and short codes from scratch since I’ve changed a good bit of that stuff over time since I switched to Zola.