
Fitness and everything else

Keychron Q6 Controls

I hate trying to use PDFs to look something up quickly. For that reason I am going to put a copy of the keyboard shortcuts to control my Keycron Q6 here in HTML format. I can read them how I want to here and not hwo they want it to look in PDF format. These shortcuts mostly control the back light of the device.

FunctionKeyboard shortcut
Change backlight effectfn+Q or 💡
Toggle the backlight on/offfn+TAB or fn+💡
increase backlight brightnessfn+W
decrease backlight brightnessfn+S
increase backlight speedfn+T
decrease backlight speedfn+G
increase backlight huefn+E
decrease backlight huefn+D
increase backlight saturationfn+R
decrease backlight saturationfn+F