
Fitness and everything else

Create A calendar in Tera

It’s been a few months, so I could be remembering incorrectly, but I don’t believe that I found this anywhere. I am remembering rewriting my old Hugo template in Tera to generate my colander for my weather history calendar.

1{%- set Year = page.year -%}
3 {% set First = Year~"-01-01" | date(format="%Y-%m-%d") %}
4 {%- set Last = Year~"-12-31" | date(format="%Y-%m-%d") -%}
5{% set FirstMonth = First | date(format="%m" ) | int %}
6 {% set LastMonth = Last | date(format="%m" ) | int %}
7{% set DaysPerMonth = config.extra.DaysPerMonth %}
8{% set DaysOfWeek = config.extra.DaysOfWeek %}
9 {%- set PreviousYear = Year - 1 -%}
10 {%- set NextYear = Year + 1 -%}
11{% set isLeapYear = ( Year % 4) %}
12<article class="content">
13<h1 id="top" class="title"> Mount Joy Personal Weather Station Data For {{ | date(format="%Y") }} </h1>{{ section.content | safe}}
14{%- include "Wx/years.html" -%}
15{%- include "Wx/months.html" -%}
16{% for M in DaysPerMonth %}
17<h2 class="month" id="{{- M.Name -}}"> {{- M.Name -}} </h2>
18<ul class="days">
19{%- if isLeapYear == 0 and M.Month == 2 -%}
20{%- set TotalDays = 30 -%}
21{%- else -%}
22{%- set TotalDays = M.Days + 1 -%}
23{%- set Date = Year~"-"~M.Month~"-"~"01" -%}
24{%- set FirstWeekdayMondayOffset = Date | date(format="%w") | int -%}
25{%- endif -%}
26{%- for Day in DaysOfWeek -%}
27<li class="weekdays">
28{{ Day.Short }}
30{% endfor %}
31{% for D in range(start=0, end=FirstWeekdayMondayOffset) %}
32<li class="calendar-day"></li>
33{%- endfor -%}
34{%- for D in range(start=1,end=TotalDays) -%}
35 {{ D }}
36{%- endfor -%} </ul> {%- include "partials/top.html" -%}
37{%- endfor -%}

Please don’t hesitate to use this if it will help you, and modify it as you need to make it work for your requirements.