
Fitness and everything else

Bensalem Storms Again

This summer has certainly been the year for storminess back in Bucks County where I grew up. A few weeks ago they had the hundred year flash flooding where there was a lot of damage. Some of the pictures I saw online were of areas familiar to me that I didn’t think that the Poquessing Creek would be able to reach if it flooded.

During that flash flooding my mom’s apartment buildings got flooded. Luckily for her, she was on the second floor so her stuff was fine but she’s still out of the building. That of course didn’t surprise me that they flooded though since they’ve flooded in the past. I am surprised that they rebuild them after they sat empty for a long time condemned years ago. I think if I am remembering correctly they were even empty when the Red Lion Inn burnt down.

A few days after that they had severe storms with wind damage.

Flash forward to last Thursday when we had about as good of a setup that we get around here for super cells. Right here in Lancaster County things didn’t pan out as we had too many clouds and bad timing for the rain to reach here but just to our north east the storms started popping. Lebanon County had a confirmed weak tornado and further east things wound up more. I pointed out that cell to my girlfriend off to the north east when I saw it while we walked home from supper at Joy’s

Bucks county had a confirmed tornado on the ground near New Hope with a strongly worded warning. Shortly after that Bensalem had one and that turned out to be an EF-3. The worst of hit hit and destroyed a car dealership from what I read with plenty of tree damage too. That could have been worse if it a few blocks either direction. I can imagine had it hit the area with hotels or the Neshaminy Mall and damaged or destroyed them their likely would have been injuries or possibly deaths. It seems as if there were no major injuries or deaths reported so that’s good thing.

The strangest part is that my mom who is out of her apartment at least for now, I don’t know if she’s going back there, is in one of the hotels near there. I called her to tell her to get to the interior of the building when I saw the hook and what appeared to be debris right there on the radar. I also saw in the warning that debris was in the air at Neshaminy Mall.

NWS in Mount Holly investigated and actually confirmed eight tornadoes in their area occurred that day. I can’t remember their being that many in the area ever. They just don’t happen that often here. Super cells aren’t common here and they don’t tend to last long let alone produce tornadoes across the area. It was definitely interesting to be able to at least watch it unfold via radar.