
Visually impaired fitness and everything else in this shit show.

Did The One Chip Challenge yesterday

H, the step granddaughter, has been wanting me to do the one chip challenge with her. She asked me a few months ago and I said sure. She wasn’t allowed to do it then because it was a school night. The next time, Molly was on vacation, so I would rather not take chances of an upset stomach mucking things up. We were talking shit about who will win. She was insistent that she would, but I knew better. I like spicy food and can handle it. Additionally, I have a very high pain threshold.

When we didn’t have any plans, I was willing to take the risk of the upset stomach because she really wanted to do it and no one else seemed willing. She asked when we went over to do the Easter stuff if I wanted to do it that day. I said, let’s do it!

After the normal Easter stuff was done, we sat outside and did it. She instantly regretted eating part of that chip. It didn’t really affect me too much. Sure, it burned and all and my nose ran and eyes watered, but the burn was tolerable. The worst of it was that it basically was eating cardboard with pure heat.

I could have probably made the hour without eating or drinking anything. I only drank because Molly begged and pleaded with me to drink because she’s heard the scare stories, I guess.