
Fitness and everything else

Didn't Watch Any Of The Mummers Parade For The First Time

Growing up, I used to love to watch the Mummers Parade in Philadelphia. I always wanted to actually go see it when I was a kid, but that never happened. My Nan loved the string bands. That was her favorite part. I learned to appreciate them over time.

As I got older, I watched less of it, but I still I turned it on for at least part of it. Often, I’d watch it in the morning while drinking my coffee. Usually, I turned it on in the late afternoon or evening to try to catch some string bands if I wasn’t watching football.

I don’t know why, but I never turned it on today. I just never really thought of turning it on or didn’t want to sit in front of the TV. Granted, I was busy with some other things, but it still feels odd to me that I didn’t think of watching it. Molly got home from work earlier, too, so I got sidetracked by that. It’s not a bad thing! It was a great surprise for her to come in earlier than she has.

It’s such a cool tradition that they still do that in Philly!