
Visually impaired fitness and everything else in this shit show.

Tag: 🥨 Philly

The Philadelphia Eagles Won The Superbowl Again!

The Eagles won the Super Bowl again. Not only did they win it, but they did some in a convincing fashion!


Philly Was Green Friday Night

We were in Philly for a concert on Friday night. Eagles fans were everywhere, and the city was lit up green.


Went To The Phillies Home Opener

We’ve been tossing around the idea of going to today’s Phillies game, but it was just too iffy with the weather and my girlfriend having to work tomorrow.


Watched The Phillies Spring Training Game

The game means nothing, but I miss baseball, so I watched the Phillies’ spring training game on TV today.


Didn't Watch Any Of The Mummers Parade For The First Time

Today is the first time that I can remember that I did not turn on the TV and watch even just a few minutes of the Mummers parade.


That Phillies Game Last Night

That Phillies game last night was something else. With Harper stealing home and the Harper and Schwarber bombs.


Got My Phillies Overalls

I finally broke down and preordered a pair of the Phillies overalls. They’re shockingly decent quality.


This Phillies Team Gives me 1993 Vibes

The Phillies team this year is really giving me vibes of 1993 with the way they seem to click and get along. This team is more talented, though.


Red October Again

The Phillies are in the playoffs again this year. It was such a Philly way to clinch it, too.


Phillies Braves Series Is Giving Me Hope

Although the Phillies have been losing against the Atlanta Braves, it’s giving me hope. The Braves are the best team in a long time, and the Phillies are holding their own.


I Predicted Kyle Schwarber's Homerun

We went to another Phillies game yesterday with a friend. We walked around more than last time, when it was ridiculously hot and humid. While wandering around, we wound up out beyond the outfield, and when we were in Ashburn Alley, I predicted Kyle Schwarber’s leadoff home run.


I Want Those Phillies Overalls

I want to get those Phillies overalls. If we get to the store at the game, I can almost guarantee that I’ll buy them.


Phillies Game Was Poorly Done On TV

That Phillies game was hard to watch on TV today. There was no reason for the actual game to be on a small portion of the screen.


Last Night's Phillies Game Was One Of The Best

The Phillies game last night was one of the best I can remember watching that didn’t occur in the playoffs. I wish I could have been at that game.


First Phillies Game Since The 90s

This year, my girlfriend got us Phillies tickets for my birthday. I got the train tickets. It was her first game and my first one since the 1990s.


Old Action News Cast From Philly

I happened to see a link to an old recording of Action News from Philly. It brought back plenty of memories. My mom always turned on the news in the morning and evening.


Fun While It Lasted

This season has been fun while it lasted as a Phillies fan, starting near the middle of the season. Sadly, but as expected, they lost the world series, but it was a good run.


Phillies Are Going To Be In The World Series

The Phillies are going to be in the World Series again. It’s not something that I’ve gotten to see of ten as fan but they’re going this year!


It's October And The Eagles Haven't Lost, The Phillies Are Still Playing

Here it is now October and the Phillies are still playing. The Eagles have yet to lose a regular season game. Such a strange year for Philly sports.


Why Do TV Shows Never Get The Philly Accent Right If They Even Bother To Try?

One of those things that I always found interesting was how you really never hear the Philly accent on TV or even in movies for that matter. If it is ever attempted, it is almost always totally butchered.


NWS Mount Holly Has Confirmed Seven Tornadoes

The NWS in Philadelphia has confirmed 7 tornadoes that came from Ida. It was just a few weeks ago they confirmed ten if I am remembering correctly.


What A Day For Weather

With the remnants of what was Hurricane Ida approaching the and passing the area, it brought all sorts of extreme weather for this area and the entire region, really. Flooding all over the place and some tornadoes were the main features.


One More Eagles Game

This Eagles season has sucked. The offense has been a steaming pile of shit. There’s one more game though and I will watch it.


Something Is Giving Me The Idea That The Eagles Suck

The story of the 2020 Eagles is that they suck. At least something is giving me that impression of that being the case.


Two Things I Miss For Breakfast Around Here That You Just Don't Really See That Often

There are two things that I miss from breakfast around here that you just don’t really see that often. Back in Andalusia I wold often get a pork roll and cheese sandwich. You also don’t see Scrapple around here as much on menus.


It Was A Nice Surprise To See The Flyers Win It In Overtime

It was a nice surprise to see the Flyers win in overtime last night against the Islanders. I didn’t expect much from them after so many years of seeing that team under perform.


The Flyers Are Going To Round Two

The Flyers have been pretty fun to watch again recently. Now they’re going to the second round of the Playoffs. Hope there’s a cup in the near future!


I Could Really Eat A Cheese Steak Right Now

I could eat a legit cheese steak right now. I mean a good Philly type one, not one that you typically can find around here that’s called a Philly Cheese steak, but it’s all wrong.


The Flyers Have Been Fun To Watch Again

The Flyers have been fun to watch again. I’ve finally had a chance to watch some hockey and have enjoyed it.


I Could Really Eat Some Potato Chips With Cream Cheese Right Now

I could eat some potato chips with cream cheese right now. Molly thinks it’s weird, but I really enjoy it.


Wow, Something Reminded Me Of Extreme Championship Wrestling Today

Every once in a while I see a post that reminds me of old school ECW that was based in Philly. I really enjoyed watching that from the time I stumbled on it on some TV channel in the middle of the night.


Double Doink!

Last Sunday’s game was fun to watch. That missed field goal though! I never saw the timeout thing work as the kicker is about to kick but it seemed to there.


Philly Pretzels

One of the things that I miss about growing up in the Philly area is how readily available soft pretzels were. Everyplace sold them. Shit, in the city they were sold on some corners.


30th Street Station Is Cool

Every time I go through Amtrak’s 30th street station it reminds me just how cool of a building it is.


Enjoying Phillies baseball again

A couple of years ago, I started getting interested in watching the Phillies again. Now I am enjoying it even more since they’re doing well.


Philly Sports Seem Right Now

Philly sports seem right now. The Eagles lost.


Phillies Will Be In The World Series

I haven’t watched baseball nearly as much as I did back in the day I do still enjoy it. The fact that they’re hard to find on TV doesn’t help matters. The Phillies will be in the World series and I’m looking forward to watching it!


Philly Trip

Molly had jury duty earlier this week in Philly. We were going to get a hotel in center city but ended up staying at my parents’ house. She ended up not being needed but still had the day off so we wandered around Philly caching after taking the train from Bensalem. I was really surprised that there was a cache hidden on Jewelers Row.


Ten Thousand Losses For The Phillies

The Phillies have been around for long time. They even got their ten thousandth loss! Thta’s such a Philly sports thing to do!


Eagles Lost To New Orleans

Well the Eagles lost last night to the Saints. It didn’t surprise me at all because Philly teams are cursed to lose. It was a close game and fun to watch.
