
Fitness and everything else

Mount Joy's Christmas Tree

Yesterday was a nice day for December. If it’s not going to snow it may as well be nice out. The high was in the mid-fifties with full sun. I may or may not have taken a short little nap out on the patio after my strength.

After supper it was still around 40℉ We enjoyed our walk with not that much of a breeze and ended up going around and up to Main street.

Christmas Tree With The Moon

This a picture of Mount Joy's Christmas tree with the moon just above it.

When we were out on Main Street we went past the town’s Christmas tree and as I glanced up at it I noticed that the evening’s moon was just in the right spot. Normally we don’t get to see the tree lit up as we’ve been walking on Main Street in the morning. Last week on the way home from Joy’s we walked past it but the moon in this picture is what made it look cool. I wish I’d have taken a better picture of it though. Life is too short to not notice things.