
Visually impaired fitness and everything else in this shit show.

Pretty Decent Thunderstorm Popped Up Just Before Hitting Us Today

These past few days have been brutally hot with highs in the upper 90s again. We had a weak cold front move through yesterday but no thunderstorms or rain here. It did knock the humidity back a bit last night but came back as a warm front today so back to the nasty stuff again.

Thankfully we had a nice thunderstorm form just to our west after others popped up and petered out or just missed us. I had actually just watered or flowers since it’s been so hot and dry thinking we weren’t going to be getting any rain today. The heat and dry weather has the grass basically all turning brown.

It gave us some of the heaviest rain I’ve seen with decent winds. Nothing approaching damaging or anything like that but it was a nice summer time storm. Lots of distant thunder. The lightning was not in our immediate area. It really reminded me of a weaker version or maybe a mini micro burst type of thing.

It did knock the temperature back down into the mid 70s so that’s a good refreshing change from the temperature in the mid 90s earlier and heat index in the 100s. Sadly it blew our milkweed plants over again. Maybe it’s time to stake them up.

We had a really nice glowing sunset ans the storm departed. One of those special ones where everything gets that yellow glow. It was cool watching the strobe like lightning in the cumulonimbus off to our east at this point. Seems the lightning really picked up as the storm strengthened.