Pretty Good Thunderstorms Last Night
I wasn’t expecting them really as it was cloudy most of the morning but then the sun popped out a bit. Later it mostly cleared up and the temperature shot up into the low 70s after remaining in the 60s for most of the day. Even with that the radar looked like only a few isolated showers and thunderstorms.
It certainly was nice to relax outside in the hot sun this afternoon though, especially after my somewhat disappointing day in the gym. I’d aborted my lifts for today because my side/back is feeling really tight and I just didn’t feel like was moving that well with my front squats. I decided it’s best to take a couple of rest days now and fully recover. I feel better already this morning. It’s been a tough period for me int he garage gym recently with me really pushing myself in so many ways at once.
Once the sun set the radar blew up with storms. We had several hours of pretty constant thunder here as storms popped up just to our south and drifted nearby. There was a lot of lightning in the air with some occasional cloud to ground bolts.
Finally around 10 the line that had formed moved over our area and the thunder and lightning increased. It wasn’t anything special or anything like that. Just heavy rain with a breeze but not that windy. The storms seemed to be elevated.
Nonetheless it was nice to get our first thunderstorm of the year. Any snow we’d get now would be a wasted cause so bring on the springtime storms!