Puddles Are There To Be Jumped In
As usual, Yesterday, we went to Joy’s for date night. I may have drank a little more than I normally do tonight but not too much. We walked over so my girlfriend could drink as we always do too. It was raining but it wasn’t too bad. It’s fairly mild for a February day too. On the way home Molly even started jumping in them.
Me being me I jumped in puddles on the way over before I even had anything to drink. Hell I did it this morning when taking Brooke to her bus stop. It was a tiny one but worth it to hear the little jump behind me.
There’s also the time a few years ago when we took the grandkids to Hershey park. There was a thunderstorm approaching. I warned and was ignored. We got caught in the downpour. It got cold. It rained so hard that everything was a giant puddle. Autumn was little and crying and wanted me to carry her. I started jumping in the puddles and the crying went to laughing as she forgot she was cold. Molly was surprised that I was jumping in the puddles and asked if I was two. I said what am I going to get wet? That ship sailed already.
Obviously you have to be an adult when you need to but the world would be a lot better if people would let go sometimes. Life is short and you gotta just not give a fuck and have fun.