Saw Some Virga Under A Cloud
This fall has been fairly mild compared to some of the previous ones. Sure we’d had some cooler days but nothing major and not even any snow flurries yet.
Today was just the sort of day where some flurries could almost make it over the mountains before degrading from but we had nothing here. In the afternoon there were some nice cumulus clouds but nothing came of it. It’s just too dry.
We were leaving the grocery store near sunset and a couple of fairly large cumulus clouds off the the northwest had that wispy virga underneath of them. Nothing seemed to be reaching the ground but I guess some areas might have seen some snow flakes reaching the ground. That really got me looking forward to hopefully some good snow storms this winter.
I don’t really expect for it to be a great winter for snow this year but I can hope. Last year wasn’t too great either. We had a few storms but nothing special. Hell, this fall it took until November second for us to have our first freeze.
The grass is greener than it was at times in the summer. Our hanging plants are still alive and blooming on the patio where they get sun. They’re not doing great but they should have been done a while ago.