
Fitness and everything else

2006-2007 Winter

Meteorological winter is over now.  As a snow lover the winter wasn’t really a great one.  We really didn’t get all that much snow but we did have one interesting  snow storm that turned to sleet and ice then the temperature dropped and froze everything as solid as a rock.  That was a fun storm to watch develop.

December and January were both warm months.  The ground never froze.  I didn’t really think we’d get any snow the way the winter was going.  It was 5.8℉ above normal for January and 5.9℉ above normal at Lancaster for December

February was the exact opposite of most of January.  It got cold.  In Lancaster the temperature averaged 6.5℉ below normal.  It just seems like February has been even colder than the numbers show.  I don’t really remember it staying below normal for so long.

I’m looking forward to thunderstorms now.