
Fitness and everything else

A Great Day Today In The Home Gym

Today was a great day for my lifts in the garage gym. I also managed to complete three WODs today. It’s been a little while since I even doubled up on them. I haven’t done the double WOD thing since I had COVID unless I’m forgetting a time. It’s a fairly mild day today and I was feeling great so managed to do more than I expected.

As far as my lifting was concerned today I started with my back squats. The squats were three sets of five, very heavy for me at 260. They were no problem at all to complete though. The lifts felt for the most part light and explosive today. My knee’s feeling a bit better and didn’t really argue with me at all during the squats today so that’s good.

Next up I had my three sets of five strict presses at the fairly heavy for me 117 pounds. They felt somewhat tough but I did complete all of the required sets with no issues at all and actually had nice short rest between the sets. They looked good too.

Finally I had my power cleans today. I had to do the cleans at a nice moderate 165 thankfully. These felt great. Very explosive and very light today.

Music for today was Serdce.

Not long after the WOD I decided to just go ahead and get a WOD from later in the week over with. It started and ended with six wall walks. I’m not super comfortable with these in any way shape or form but now that I am able to do them I want to get some practice in with them. They’re slow and meticulous but that’s really how they should be done anyways.

Sandwiched in between these wall walks was a bunch of rounds of front squats and pull ups. In my case I opted for the strict pull ups option and went with 4 a round for a total of 40 of them. They didn’t feel that bad at all. The front squats were a non issue for me completely. I chose the light 95 pound option for that since I knew the lats were be getting burned out from the pull ups and I needed to do another six wall walks at the end of the WOD. I completed the WOD as RXed although a bit over the time goal but that was the wall walks that ate up my time.

Music for this WOD was again Serdce.

After recovering a bit I decided to go back and do Tuesday’s WOD. Row, then 15 deadlifts and I chose supine toe touches rather than the other scale options for toes to bar. We don’t have the bar height for me to do toes to bar and strict isn’t happening. I did give one a try. My hands are a bit bitched up so I didn’t want to do the knees to elbows either/

For the deadlifts I went on the heavier side at 175 pounds. After I completed the WOD I was kicking myself for not adding a ten more pounds to hit body weight. Oh well. They were unbroken except the last round and that was only broken to pick a callus. I ended up completing this particular WOD in near the goal time which I was pretty pleased with.

Originally I was done for the day but Molly wanted to watch the street parking coaches do Friday’s WOD on live stream. Dammit if that didn’t inspire me to do the WOD myself today.

I knew the WOD would be a bit of a challenge for me with the single arm overhead dumbbell lunges so I went lighter and scaled the weight back to 25 pounds. I’m not 100% confident yet with dumbbell hang cleans and jerks so that’s another reason to lower the weight.

The alternating snatches were all unbroken for me but who knows why they have just always been a movement that just clicked for me. Back when they first came up in the open I thought there was no way I’d be able to do them with lighter weight let alone the RX weight but I did them just fine. There’s not really any rhyme or reason to things that work or don’t work for me sometimes.

The lunges actually went surprisingly well. set was broken only as a precaution. The second round I went straight from the unbroken power snatches into the lunges and did that entire set unbroken. During the third round after snatches I did sit the dumbbell down for a few seconds to shake my arm and shoulder out a bit but once I snatched it up for the overhead lunges I managed all 30 unbroken. That was such a pleasant surprise for me!

The cleans and jerks were the slowest part for me. My body just doesn’t quite understand the movement. I guess it’s stuck in barbell movement and while it’s the same idea using the dumbbells it’s different too.

I was really happy with my time on this WOD. I knew before I started that it was going to be one where I was nowhere near the time goal. As it turned out I actually completed the WOD on the low end of the time goal. If Molly wasn’t counting my reps too I would have seriously doubted my score so needless to say I was really happy with how I did on it.

I knew this was going to be a mental challenge so for the music during this WOD I chose some brutal death metal stream to listen to.

It’s been a good while since I’ve worked out so much and so hard in a day and it feels amazing to have pushed myself again. I got myself way out of my comfort zone in several ways today and it felt really good. Of course I’m exhausted now but it’s just about time for bed.