Challenging But Perfect Day At The Home Gym
I actually slept great last night. Having the window open helped a lot and the temperature was just right. I don’t believe I woke up at all and actually slept eight hours for the first time in I don’t know how long. It’s been six hours or so every night for the longest time.
I waited until a little later than I have been to do my lift today. I knew it was going to be a nice day, so I took some time in the sun on the patio first this morning. When I got started, I began with my front squats at 225 pounds. I knew it was going to be challenging, since it’s where I failed last time. Today, while the weight felt heavy, it didn’t have the imminent failure feeling that it can have at times. The videos show that I maintained nearly perfect form from the first set until the last rep of the third set. In the past, I’d always tended to collapse a bit as it got heavy, but that’s just not occurring now. The weight didn’t feel close to failure or anything like that today.
Next up, I had to do my three sets of five strict presses at 125 pounds. These were my toughest lifts today. The weight itself is pretty heavy for me and shoulder pressing this weight, and for whatever reason today my breathing just felt ever so slightly out of sync. I made all my lifts with good form, but it was a little tougher than it should have been. Using my belt for these helps me know that my back isn’t giving out on me, so it allows me to push a little more when in the past I would have aborted the set for safety’s sake.
Next up on today’s plan after the strict presses were deadlifts for five singles at a nice heavy for me, 285 pounds. These didn’t even feel heavy at all for me today and my form, well, my back didn’t even give a little per my videos. In the past, this weight has felt heavy for me and my grip has been near failure, but it didn’t feel that bad at all today. My grip also had no signs of giving out on me for this deadlift session, so that made me feel pretty good. I even made it a point to hold the lockout for a little.
Lastly, after I completed my deadlifts, I did three sets of ten hip thrusts with the box today. For these, I used 215 pounds today, and they looked good and felt the best they’ve felt yet to me since I added them back in a few weeks ago. Maybe I’m getting over the mental block, or maybe I’m just stronger this time around. I’d stopped a few months back, probably actually when I took a break from lifting due to having COVID-19, but I’m back on board with these today and feeling great. I’ve been meaning to get back to them since, but just kept forgetting.
These are my favorite kind of days in the garage gym. I really like when my lifts are not easy, but of course, I like days full of success.
Music for today was Soundgarden