Did Part Of My Strength Then Destroyed My Grip In A WOD Today
I definitely had a good but rough day at the home gym today.
My strength today was to be heaviest squats, moderate strict presses and light deadlifts. I just reset the weights on those. I had failed the deadlifts last week.
The squats were at 240. This to me is a moderately heavy weight. Today it didn’t feel heavy at all. It felt great for sure. My technique has so greatly improved it’s amazing. I’ve always been somewhat of a natural squatter. Of course I could always find ways to clean it up but the motion itself just comes natural to me.
The strict presses felt good at 115. It’s only a moderate weight so it should feel good. I just don’t make progress in this lift at all.
The deadlines I skipped since the WOD had so many of them in it. The WOD itself was 100 meter farm carry with in my case 40 something pound dumbbells then 10 deadlifts at 185 is what I did. Rest 1 minute between rounds and do 7 total rounds. Me being me misremembered it as 6 so that’s what I did. I saw the 7 when I went to enter my score into Wodify (or should I just call it shitify.)
That was still a tough one on the grip which is one of my weaknesses. I chose the bar/ dumbbell version of the WOD specifically for this reason of working on my weaknesses. I wanted to do the sand bag version and there’s no reason I can’t do that another day.