
Fitness and everything else

I Don't Know How I did It But I Crushed My Strength Today!

Yesterday we went geocaching. Not for the longer hike that we’d originally planned, but to a nearby park. It was a good time. Many butterflies out there and lots of sunshine.

After we got home from geocaching, we went over to Joy’s for supper and some drinks. I had a shot of whiskey before we went, actually then 3 of their slushies. At home, I had a rum and coke and then finished the other half of Molly’s that she didn’t want. I wasn’t drunk or even feeling it for that matter, but I did drink more than I have in quite some time. That made my sleep crappy.

Around midnight, thunder woke me up. Shit, the chair cushions were still outside, along with Molly’s chair. I got up and got dressed and went outside to bring them in. Then I proceeded to lay in bed wide away for a couple of hours. The pungent smoke from a neighbor’s fire pit burning my eyes and nose didn’t help matters any. Eventually, I fell back to sleep.

I woke up bright and early and drank my coffee. I was too lazy to go out into the garage early. We went to the Country store for meat and vegetables. Then we went to the grocery store for the rest of our food for the week.

Eventually, around noon, I stopped being lazy about it and got changed to head out into the garage. I had low expectations for this day, but things didn’t turn out that way. The front squats which I started with for five sets of three felt outstanding and looked perfect. Very deep, very vertical and very explosive squats. The 215 pounds for the front squats today did not even feel heavy at all. I worked through them quickly with short rest periods. It got me off to a great start today.

Next up, I did my strict presses. These were a fairly light 107 pounds, but they felt really good and like I was moving well. They shouldn’t have given me any problems, and the three sets of five were a non issue. I took less than two minutes for rest between sets. I wanted to get done since we were getting little dippers ice cream when I was done!

The power cleans were a lower end moderate weight today for me at the 150 pounds for five sets of three. These were feeling fantastic, and I easily got through them. I was moving really well with them today, with near perfect timing. The Last set was my best set of cleans, and it was the third set that I managed to complete a strict press after the third power clean.

I will admit that last strict press was a grinder to a point, but it’s up near my max, so it was something I expected. My form didn’t break or anything, but the 150 pounds is a weight where the bar sort of pushes backs at me and can push me backwards and out of position. I didn’t feel that that happened today. I also held the lock out until I felt like my arms were going to explode from under it.

Music for today’s lifting was Corrosion Of Conformity.

Later on, late afternoon or so, we did our bro session. That, too, went much better than I thought it would. Starting off with the dumbbell bench presses my elbow didn’t really feel them at all. My left elbow has been sort of pissy lately. Stretching it and the theragun seem to be helping it.

The shoulder presses using the 50s seemed much easier today for me than last time. I got through 8, 8 and 10 of these. Knowing I am using the heavier weight with them, I don’t like to really push the reps yet, but instead I’m trying to ease myself into it. With the dumbbells, there’s more freedom with for things to go wrong than there is with the barbell.

Curls with the 40s felt surprisingly easy today too. Last week was the first I’ve done that, and they felt pretty challenging then. Today’s lifts didn’t feel all that heavy until the last rep or two.

Music for the bro shit was Dream Theater