
Fitness and everything else

Even Though I Was Tired My Lifts Went Great This Morning

I did not sleep well at all last not and not nearly enough either. I don’t know why. I just kept waking up. At the same time I was ready to get out into the garage before 6 am. With neighbors attached I wouldn’t do that but I really would have liked to have been out there then.

Back squats were up first at 220 pounds for three sets of five this morning. They felt pretty heavy but my legs are still beat from yesterday’s lunges. They never felt difficult. Just heavier than they should have. I did my three sets easily today and with the heavy deadlifts to come later I didn’t do anything extra. Form wise they felt great and Molly said they looked great.

Strict presses were next at 120 pounds. These are definitely getting up there in the weight but I fairly easily got through my three sets of five today with no problems at all. Even though my shoulder was feeling “tired” from the knees to elbows yesterday I didn’t feel anything bad with these heavier presses. That’s, a week I think without a flareup at all even with these shoulder presses being heavier. That’s got me feeling pretty good. I felt like I could have easily done more sets today but chose not to.

Last up for the day today it was time for my deadlifts! For today I had to do my singles at a pretty heavy for me 285 pounds. To add to my legs being tired from yesterday’s WODs my brain was tired from not sleeping well. I really didn’t have high hopes for these deadlifts today since they require so much focus. As I worked up through some warm up sets they felt better for each set. The working weight reps some how managed to feel easy even given the their heaviness that really did puzzle me. Molly said they looked great and easy and I can confirm that they felt pretty easy. Before I unloaded the bar and put my shit a way I double checked adding up the weight multiple times because they just felt so easy. Even my grip didn’t give me any shit. Not even the bar bending a bit threw me off any and the weight shift of the bar bending has always thrown me off since day one of heavy deadlifts early on in Crossfit.

I wound up not doing anything else like a WOD or anything today since we were running around and I lost track of time. It was a pleasant surprise how well my lifts went given how I was feeling. It’s the days like this when you really aren’t feeling it that make you better when you do it anyways.

Music today was Einherjer then Electric Wizard came on after that finished..