
Fitness and everything else

First Vault WOD Of 2023 In The Books

One of the things that street parking does or at least stared doing a few years ago is what they call the Vault. It’s twenty-five WODs, on each week, that you have to complete. If you complete them all, you can buy a shirt. The first year, the shirt was free, but I think they have to give too many away. It’s cool that the only thing that you have to do is show up that day and do the WOD. Hell, you have almost a week to log it.

They get announced on Friday and I like to get them done and logged as soon as possible, that way it’s done. With my luck, life, would happen and cost me the chance to complete it if I waited. Often times I will do them on Friday night, but this week’s I didn’t think I wanted to do that. It was Thrusters and devil presses. As luck would have it, my shoulders were feeling shot yesterday.

When I noticed that the WOD had thrusters in it, I knew I wanted to break out the barbell for those. It’s been too long since I’ve used that for thrusters in a WOD. I’ve really spent most of this year focusing on the dumbbell stuff which I like, but thrusters with the bar are one of my favorite exercises in Crossfit and what originally drew me to it. Not just that, but in my first Crossfit open when I was still pretty new to most of this stuff I walked away from one of the WODs just because I couldn’t get Thrusters to feel right. Not even with just the empty bar. Shortly after that, the movement clicked for me, and I’ve loved them ever since.

They’ve become one of those movements in this style of working out that I can just dig in and get through the set, no matter how hard it hurts. Great hip mobility and good shoulders is helpful for that. I have really gotten a better grasp on pacing in general since we started doing Street Parking in our garage.

The WOD itself fit right into my strengths, with the set of thrusters being required to be unbroken. The devil presses were just there to break it up. Having not used the bar in so long, I stuck with the RX weight of seventy-five pounds, but I certainly could have gone heavier and probably should have. That would have slowed me down a bit. I knew that I was in for a rough time with this WOD when I got through the first round in well under two minutes. My thinking was about two and a half minutes a round should be sustainable before I started, but I just got through those thrusters a lot faster than I expected the first round. I even felt that I was purposely slowing them down.

I thought it was a really fun and challenging WOD. I may do the pure dumbbell version of it later on this week.

The vault’s them this year is Egyptian so my music was Nile, of course.