Front Squats Were Heavy Today But I Made Them
I slept decently last night which surprised me after consuming some Gentleman Jack. We also ate supper late last night which also tends to make me sleep pretty poorly.
I drank my coffee this morning and ate some oatmeal then chilled on the computer for a while digested and waking up before I got up to do my strength.
I started off my strength for the day with the squats as I normally do but today wasn’t an ordinary day for my front squats. They were a nice heavy 235 pounds for three sets of five today. I’ve not made it to that heavy of a weight for my front squats in a couple of months for varying reasons and I really wasn’t feeling it at all today either. At the same time minus the one rep where my brain sort of tried to shut it down and it was more of a pause front squat. I came up a little forward on that one but nothing to be concerned about. I just made it tougher than it needed to be. They felt good enough today that I’m pretty confident I should be able to make it through 240 on Wednesday if it’s a good day
Next up were my strict presses at 112 for three sets of five. They felt good. These felt pretty good again today. Nothing special about them but nothing bad either.
Finally I finished things off with my five triples of deadlifts at 265 pounds. It was pretty heavy for triples for me but I made them pretty easily with all of the lifts being nice fast pulls. Molly comment when she was watching about how close I keep the bar to my legs and asked how I don’t hit my knees with it either on the way up or down. I don’t know why I don’t hit myself. Getting my knees out of the way just comes natural to me.
Music for my strength was Atheist
After I finished we went up to visit one of her daughters and the grand daughter. It was a nice visit and we got to see the grandson when he got home from school. We weren’t anticipating being there that long but it was a nice visit and we were in no hurry to leave.
We’d originally thought we’d grab a few caches on the way home but time got away and the clouds stayed pretty thick today even though it was forecast to be clear.
We did get out for a nice walk after supper at least.