Got My COVID Shot And Surprised Myself With Next Monday's Vault WOD
Even though I was pretty sure it’s unnecessary for me to have the COVID vaccine, I got it since that’s what the CDC’s guidelines recommend. I’ll take science over people just making shit up as they go to fit their personal wants. The shot was quick and easy and the whole setup was well run. Sadly, there weren’t many others there receiving it, but that should be expected in this anti vaxers area. You can bet your ass they’d be the first ones to the doctor/hospital if they got sick, though.
I had originally intended to wait a bit thinking there would be a rush when they opened up to everyone since I should have natural immunity from December but out of sheer curiosity I glanced at the available appointments and there were basically entire days available, so I figured I would just do it now before summer in case I’d get a fever. No issues with it so far other than the slightly sore muscle where the injection was.
We at supper and watched the Street Parking vault WOD announcement. Next week’s WOD is really not one that I am excited to do. Any WOD with hopping over stuff is really not my cup of tea. I am not big on risking tripping up on hopping over an object that I can’t see, and really haven’t developed great spacial awareness for the side to side stuff. One good eye will do that to you, though, I guess. I make the best of these sorts of WODS though and forget about the goal times altogether.
The other option is double unders or x2 rep single unders, but for that, I would have to go outside and eat up valuable time hunting for my rope and stuff like that. I don’t have double unders nor do I really give a single shit of whether I ever get them.
I, surprisingly, finished with WOD today not that far off from the goal. I used the RX weight for the renegade rows, which was one of those big positives. I had always struggled quite a bit with these, but they’ve been good for me recently. Molly went so far to say that they looked great and that I was very stable with them. I didn’t feel any tendency to twist my body with them, and she told me that she didn’t see it.
It was not one of my favorite WODs by any means, but it’s done, and I’m glad I did it.
I was starting to feel a little stiff from the vaccine by this evening when I did the WOD with a hint of a headache starting. My temperature felt to be up a bit, but this is all to be expected. My understanding is it’s a good sign that my immune system is strong and healthy. I figured as much though when I got over COVID itself in less than a week.