Groundhog Is Still Here
Last evening I was waiting outside to go to Joy’s for supper and a drink and noticed something in the vacant lot across the street. I zoomed in with my phone to see that it was a groundhog sitting up. It’s not that uncommon to see them over there with all the vegetation to eat and the bank going down to the railroad tracks that I’m sure they have plenty of places to burrow into.
Today was the first I’ve noticed any this year, though. There used to be a huge fat one, but I haven’t seen it since last fall. That was so big and with my poor vision more than once I thought it was a dog if I saw it without my telescope.
I like having that unused vacant lot across the street with all the trees along the train tracks. Many animals live there and tons of birds all summer long. As an animal and nature in general lover, it really makes it nicer to live here.