
Fitness and everything else

I Bombed A WOD Today, More Than Nothing

I didn’t sleep that great last night. It was too warm and humid most of the night. I slept, but not well. I got up and drank my coffee.

I knew it was going to be a day when I was playing with the dominoes with Brooke. We played with them on the kitchen floor, setting them up there. My legs kept sticking to the floor from being sweating, and the dominoes at times were sticking to my hands. That’s when it really clicked that’s going to be a humid day.

After I took her to the bus stop, I came home and cleaned up, then I relaxed for a little while. It’s already hot, so what difference is it going to make anyway.

I searched for a WOD that, I thought, would be okay for me to do in the heat and humidity today. I wanted one that wouldn’t be too complicated with my sweaty hands and melting brain. I was already overheated.

I settled on one that was rowing, lunges and back squats. I didn’t even come close to the goal on the WOD today. The rowing was slow and sweaty. My feet kept slipping out from under me due to my sweat puddles on the floor for the lunges. I’m not a huge fan of this style olf WOD where you do a set of things every certain amount of time but it’s what I attempted today.

It ended up being a just move sort of day. More than just sitting on the couch. The heat really killed me while trying to WOD, but at least I got some movement in and got my heart rate up a bit. I just couldn’t even drink enough water the past couple of days. My body is just not yet acclimated to the heat. Not that I will handle it well ever, but in time I will find it at least more tolerable.

A thikng that I really do love about working out at home is the fact that I can choose a WOD that, I think, will work best for me sometimes. When we went into the Crossfit gym, the choice was the workout of the day. There are times when that wouldn’t be the best choice for me. Today they probably would have had heavy cleans, pull-ups and running. All three of those would have been poor choices of movement when I am overheated. An injury waiting to happen. That goes completely against why I am doing this, so it’s good I can work around things. The gym owner liked the heat, and that’s good for him. My body has just always tolerated heat and humidity poorly at best.

Music for the WOD was Alice In Chains