I Went Out Of My Comfort Zone Today
Today’s WOD involved hang power snatches and weighted situps. I’ve been sticking with the normal weights for the power snatches and just flying through that aspect of the WOD so today I decided to give 95 pounds a go.
One of the reasons I’ve been hesitant to do so here at home in the garage is it’s a bit too tight of a space for my liking. I like to have room to bail the snatches and when I have missed them in the past it’s almost always been behind. Between the rower, which I don’t want to break, the gas heater which wouldn’t end well if that got broken and the rack which could not end well for me I just have never been comfortable with missing snatches in our space.
During the time I was warming up I threw some 10s on along with the 15s to give it a shot. What I felt and my video showed was easy power hang power snatches that just flew overhead so I gave it a try in the WOD. I figured if I needed to I could take a few seconds to pull the tens off. I got through the first round of 12 unbroken in less than a minute. My forearms were on fire by the second round so I did 4-4-4 then the third round I did 3-3-3-3. Finally for the last round I went 9-3. Had to wipe the sweat off my hand that round. Maybe I should have given 105 a try? Sometimes it’s so hard to guess how a weight is going to affect you.
One of the things I love most about Crossfit and Crossfit type of workouts is there is such a variety and there’s always new ways to improve. I could be faster rounds, more weight, bigger sets or any other thing. There’s usually something you can do better than the last time you did a WOD or similar movements.
I also did the weighted situps no problem. They’re something I can do but haven’t done them in years because I think they’re just a dumb exercise. Really it’s a way to make a dumb exercise (situps) even more stupid than they are in the first place. Sort of ranks up there with overhead kettlebell swings. Either do swings or snatches.