Lots Of White Butterflies Around
I have been seeing these common small white butterflies flying around quite a bit. They land on the grass a lot, but when I see them hanging around, they’re either not still long enough or I don’t have my phone handy to get a picture.
Today I was checking to make sure that there was nothing left from planting the garden in the grass before I mowed when this one was circling the flowers on the plants in the garden. After that, it kept landing on the dirt and sitting for a few seconds. That’s when I was able to grab this picture.
White Butterfly

Seeing these makes me feel a little nostalgic every time I see them. They’re the main type that I remember seeing growing up near Philly. They’re realy the only ones that I remember seeing there. Up the mountains, we’d see swallowtails and others, but only these white ones at home. There weren’t a ton of flowers, and with my crappy visual acuity, I’m sure I just missed seeing them.