
Visually impaired fitness and everything else in this shit show.

Tag: 🦋 Butterflies

Saw A swallowtail Butterfly On The Trail

We were out on the Conewago Trail this afternoon, finally finding a few caches. A few butterflies were flying around. A tiger swallowtail landed on a tree directly in front of us and sat there with open wings.


Lots Of White Butterflies Around

I have been noticing tons of the common white butterflies around the past week or two. Today was the first time that I had my phone on me to grab a picture of them.


First Monarch I Am Sure Of For 2021

Today, I spotted the first monarch butterfly that I am 100 percent positive that I saw.


Our White Swamp Milkweed Is Doing Really Well In Pots

Just for shits, I stuck some of the milkweed plants I started from seeds in pots that we had lying around the other year. They’ve come back up in those pots since. This spring they seem to be doing really well in the pots.


Not Many Monarch Butterflies This Year

I haven’t seen many monarch butterflies around our house this year. Other years I saw them most of the day.


I Guess We Will See Monarch Eggs Soon

We spotted a monarch butterfly hanging out near our rose bush today.


First Monarch I Am Positive I Spotted Of 2020

I saw the first monarch butterfly of 2020, or at least the first one that I am positive that I saw. I thought I saw one out of the corner of my eyes before, but today I was certain.


I Think I Saw A Monarch Butterfly Out Of The Corner Of My Eye

I think I saw a monarch butterfly near our potted plants. I can’t be sure because it was out of the corner of my eye.


Our Pink Swamp Milkweed Is Coming Up

Our original milkweed was supposed to be pink but it turned out to be white. The monarchs still loved it. We saw pink milkweed last summer and bought some to plant. That was late in the season so we weren’t sure if it’d grow bt it is sprouting now.


Some New Monarch Butterflies Ready To Fly South

We spotted a freshly emerged monarch butterfly drying itself on our hibiscus today.


Got More Milkweed

We got more milkweed and the monarch butterflies have already found it. We sat it in the yard and within an hour butterflies were nectoring on it.


We Saw Lots Of Butterflies Out On The Northwest River Trail Today

It was a decent day so we when geocaching out on the Northwest River Trail. While we were out there we so tones of butterflies.


We Planted Milkweed

We have been wanting to plant milkweed for a couple of years now. We finally found some and planted it in our front yard. Last spring, we actually had monarch butterflies and caterpillars on it.


First Monarch Butterfly Emerging Of The Year

There’s been a monarch chrysalis hanging on my chair on the porch for a while. We’ve been keeping a close watch on it. Today it cleared up, and we actually got the opportunity to watch the butterfly drop out of it.


Bumblebee On Our Swamp Milkweed

We searched and searched for butterfly weed last year but wound up only finding swamp milkweed. It came back up this year. We don’t have any monarchs yet but a bumble bee found it and has been hanging out on it all day.


Milkweed Seeds

Last fall I gathered a bunch of milkweed seeds from the pods on our plants. I thought it was worth a try to try to grow some. It took forever for them to sprout but they eventually did after I had given up.


Blue Marsh

We went to a geocaching event at Blue Marsh today. It was really interesting getting information about how search and rescue works. Of course we went caching after the fascinating presentation about SAR.
