
Fitness and everything else

Made It To The 60s Today

The high temperature for today made it to the sixties. 62.6℉ to be exact according to my weather station.

Earlier this morning I was thinking that the we wouldn’t make it to the forecasted high. The clouds were hanging tough most of the morning other than just about sunrise. I noticed when I did my WOD this morning it was looking as if it was the sky was brightening up. I noticed that the temperature was starting to spike upwards outside.

A little after lunch time there was a break in the clouds to the northwest that slowly moved our direction. Eventually the blue skies moved in and the sun came out spiking the temperature up to the sixties. I grabbed the cushions and relaxed on the patio for a bit to collect some vitamin D. I think I might have gotten a little bit of sun burn too

There’s not much in this world that feels better than the nice hot sun on your face. If it’s not going to be winter like I may as well make the most of it and enjoy the sunshine for a bit right? The cool breeze made it feel even better. It was nice to close my eyes and relax and just listen to a couple of birds sing. I think I heard a wren and a starling.