Nice Day Today
It was a nice day today. A far different type of day than yesterday with the damp chilly feeling with the threat of rain and some light rain at times. That was the typical back door cold front type of day. As a matter of fact, it feels warmer this evening than earlier today did, but that goes along with the warm to hot weather forecast ahead for us.
I knocked out an older street parking WOD today and finished that well above the goal rounds, but I am pretty good at cycling the sandbag. I went with an older WOD since I did today’s vault one last Friday. It felt good to get the blood flowing a bit, but it really didn’t get me winded or get my heart rate all that high. Maybe I reached around 150. I kept moving and was moving fast, but I guess I’m too efficient at the movements in the WOD.
A little while later, we did our bro session and that felt pretty decent. I didn’t go overboard with it with my regular lifting being on the heavy side now, but I did more reps at a lighter weight for some things.
After supper, we went for our evening walk. After all, it’s around 70℉ and sunny with hardly any wind. You can’t beat that!
As always while out for a walk, hell I even do it when we’re hiking, I had to stop and look at the flowers. Of course, I had to smell them too. Life is too short to pass up on the free things that nature gives us to enjoy. I remember when I first had my last cornea transplant how much better I could see. I had to look at everything. People probably got sick of my excitement. Sadly, that didn’t last, but it is what it’s going to be.
While walking along Main street, we noticed that the newer trees that they had planted were blooming. I don’t know what they are, but they sure smelled good!
Later on during our walk, we came across a house that had Clematises blooming. I don’t remember ever noticing the blooming here before, but that’s a great thing about walking. There’s so much more time to stop and see things and notice things and of course enjoy them.