Nice PR On A Repeat WOD Today
The WOD that was programmed for today was one that I really didn’t feel that I would get much out of, and due to space and the layout of our garage, I didn’t feel like I could safely pull it off. Thrusters are no problem, but the burpee box jump overs just take up so much space. Rather than fighting with scaling that, I went with one of the numerous older WODs I have saved to my favorites for times like this.
The WOD I chose was a fun little one that I have done several times in the past. Last time I used the sandbag which is lighter so that went much faster. Today I went with the barbell and went on the more aggressive side weight wise and used on hundred and forty-five pounds
The WOD itself was like this. First do twenty-five back squats, then row five hundred meters. Rest a minute then do twenty back squats then row five hundred again and after a minute rest do it with fifteen back squats and so on all the way down to five back squats.
I thought that this would be a good WOD for me to push out of my comfort zone with the weights. The worst-case scenario for me would be that I figure out that it was too heavy and just have to stop. I have been doing just this a lot since I passed my thousand Street Parking WOD. I’ve been doing heavier weights or more challenging movements often. I thought that this would be a good WOD for me to push out of my comfort zone with the weights. The worst-case scenario for me would be that I figure out that it was too heavy and just have to stop. I have been doing just this a lot since I passed my thousand Street Parking WOD. I’ve been doing heavier weights or more challenging movements often.
I thought that this would be a good WOD for me to push out of my comfort zone with the weights. The worst-case scenario for me would be that I figure out that it was too heavy and just have to stop. I have been doing just this a lot since I passed my thousand Street Parking WOD. I’ve been doing heavier weights or more challenging movements often.
I knew I would be good with the hundred and forty-five pounds when I got through that first set of twenty-five without putting the bar down. It wasn’t easy, and it wasn’t meant to be easy, but it wasn’t bad. The sets of twenty and fifteen were the hardest for me because by that time my legs were already on fire from the WOD, but the sets were still big sets. I made it through all the WOD with no real issues. It turns out I had roughly a thirty-second improvement on my time over the last time I recorded this WOD. This time I used a thirty pound heavier weight too. It felt great!
Today’s music was Lynyrd Skynyrd