Strength Went Okay Today
Last night we decided to put the air conditioner back in the bedroom window. It was very humid in the afternoon. While the temperature wasn’t bad, I failed to consider the tropical depression pumping the humidity up. It does look like we’ll be under a tornado watch for it. At least I slept good.
The first lift of the day as it is on any typical day was front squats. For these front squats, I had to do 220 pounds for three sets of five. They felt fairly heavy today, but I think a big part of that is the fact that I was getting super deep with them. I was basically squatting with my ass between my ankles. For one reason or another, I am just extra mobile today, plus the weight is pushing me down more. They looked great, and I considered going for extra sets, ended up passed on it.
The days of me having butt wink are long gone, not that I had it bad in the past. It was only at the very bottom of my squat. Back then, my feet were wide and turned way out. That, too, is something I have really improved My feet obviously still turn out a bit, but in any sort of squat they’re just about shoulder width. I like them close together. It’s a stronger and much more stable position for me, and I have the mobility, so why not?
After the squats, I went onto bench press at 165. My arm today found the bench press to be very disagreeable. I did complete my three sets of five and, as always, it felt better in the later sets. I did what I had to do, and that’s what matters.
Finally, for today, I wrapped up my strength session with my good mornings at 115. The three sets of ten of these felt great today. I mean, it felt a little heavy, but not challenging. I worked my way through these sets fairly quickly. Sure, I could bring up the weight on these good mornings and likely will some day, but I am no big hurry to do so.
Music for today’s strength was Candlemass
Later on in the afternoon, I did today’s WOD. Hop overs (again) and burpees over the sandbag, plus burpee pull-ups. I could certainly do without the hop overs and I feel that burpees over an object don’t really add much value, but I did it as programmed. My time wasn’t that far off from the goal. Visually, the hop overs fuck me over every time. Strangely enough, the easiest part for me was the burpee pull-ups which were all chest to bar.
The worst part of the WOD was the extreme sweating with the humidity. I started the air conditioner an hour before I did the WOD, and it should have been better, but it wasn’t really cooled off. I just went with it during the WOD and went a bit slower due to it dripping in my eyes, but I survived. I figured it just wasn’t keeping up with the high humidity. Turns out I noticed after completing my WOD it was still on the default “economy” setting which doesn’t seem to do much more than run the fan. I wish it would remember your last setting.
Music for the WOD was Alice In Chains.