
Fitness and everything else

Walk In The Nice Fresh Dusting Of Snow

The weather the past couple of weeks has been really uncooperative with us when it comes to getting out for a walk. It’s been nice and cold, which I certainly can handle and would enjoy, but Molly hates the colds, so she would be miserable, so we’ve been skipping on it. The other thing preventing us from getting out is the ice which was frozen solid in place after the rain on top of sleet the other day with temperatures staying in the twenties.

It really is disappointing to see how shitty of a job so many people have been doing clearing their sidewalks. Really shocking to me is the number of them that were completely untouched, even on Main Street across the street from the police station.

Finally, today apart from the light snow that reached the ground with the clipper just long enough to put a fresh dusting down the weather worked out, so we got out. It was nice and quiet out being a Sunday with not too much traffic. We saw no one else walking. As an added bonus, the traffic that was out there wasn’t blinding me with their headlights as the sun is setting later now, so it was still pretty light out until we were almost home.