Mount Joy, Pennsylvania's Weather For Sunday, February 13, 2022
We had some snow overnight. I eyeballed a couple of inches of wet snow. There were some peeks of sun in the afternoon and between that and the higher sun angle this time of the year the snow was gone in all but the deep shadows by the evening.
Daily Weather Station Data Here's the temperature data from my weather station in degrees Fahrenheit.
Temperature Dew Point Feels Like
Average 30.4 ℉ 21.6 ℉ 30 ℉
High 37 ℉ at 12:18 AM 29.8 ℉ at 2:19 AM 37 ℉ at 12:20 AM
Low 22.5 ℉ at 11:45 PM 11.8 ℉ at 11:47 PM 15 ℉ at 10:20 PM
Range 14.5 ℉ 18 ℉ 22 ℉
Temperature Dew Point Feels Like
Average 47 ℉ 28.7 ℉ 46.9 ℉
High 54.5 ℉ at 1:43 PM 35.8 ℉ at 8:49 AM 54.5 ℉ at 1:43 PM
Low 36.9 ℉ at 11:57 PM 22.3 ℉ at 11:58 PM 34.3 ℉ at 10:42 PM
Range 17.6 ℉ 13.5 ℉ 20.2 ℉
Temperature Dew Point Feels Like
Average 16.6 ℉ cooler 7.1 ℉ cooler 16.9 ℉ cooler
High 17.5 ℉ cooler 6 ℉ cooler 17.5 ℉ cooler
Low 14.4 ℉ cooler 10.5 ℉ cooler 19.3 ℉ cooler
There were 35.3 heating degree days today
There were 19 heating degree days yesterday
Humidity data from my weather station.
Average High Low Range
71% 96% at 4:20 AM 46% at 4:57 PM 50%
Here's the relative barometric pressure data from my weather station in Inches of mercury.
Pressure Time
Average 30.14″
High 30.2″ 7:54 AM
Low 30.07″ 5:18 PM
Range 0.13″
Here's the solar data from my weather station
UV Radiation Max Solar Radiation Max
3 at 12:52 PM 337.6 W/m² at 12:53 PM
Here today's sunrise and sunset information.
Today Difference From Yesterday
Sunrise 7:01:25 AM at 79.53° 1 minute and 13 seconds earlier than yesterday and 0.3° north of yesterday's sunset.
5:39:24 PM at 79.54°1 minute and 11 seconds later than yesterday and 0.3° north of yesterday's sunset.
Solar Noon 12:20:09 PM at 36.7°1 second earlier than yesterday and 0.34° higher than yesterday.
Duration 10 hours, 37 minutes and 59 seconds 2 minutes and 24 seconds longer than yesterday
about data sources
Here's the wind data from my weathe station in miles per hour.
Wind Speed Gust Time
Average Wind 1.1 mph 9.2 mph 10:20 PM
High 3 mph 11 mph 1:46 PM
Direction WNW
Here's the rainfall data from my weather station in inches.
Daily Rain Max Hourly Event Rain Yesterday's Rain Weekly Rain Monthly Rain Yearly Rain
0.07″ 0.07″ per hour 0.07″ 0″ 0.07″ 1.54″ 3.63″ It rained today!
Here's the lightning data from my weather station.
Max Time
Strikes Per Hour 0
Strikes Per Day 0 The last lightning strike detected was 30
days ago on Friday, January 14, 2022 .