
Fitness and everything else

Cached On A New To Us Trail Today

We had decided to go after the lonely cache challenge. It’s such a neat idea and brings us to the types of caches we want to find. Basically, harder to find ones. We easily would have qualified, but decided it would be more fun to start fresh.

Today was a successful day for a fun cache called Puzzled. It is in Middle Creek. It was a great hike in the woods on this beautiful spring day. The sun did fade some, but it was in the sixties. There wasn’t much wind like there normally is on a warm early spring day, so that made it even nicer.

We thoroughly enjoyed the geocache too. It was a four stage puzzle cache, but the stages were all physical puzzles out in the woods. It was unlike any other that we’ve done, it was a great several hours outside in the fresh air and in nature.

A View Of The Trail

This is a picture Of a sunny day on the trail in the woods during the early spring. There's not much green yet.

We also managed to get the key for the giant ammo can cache that’s nearby, so we were able to sign that log. That was just an outstanding cache. The guy who made that ammo can out of metal managed to get all the details correct. Even how it opens, and the thing is at least 4 feet tall. I loved that cache.