
Fitness and everything else

Tag: Spring

First 90 Degree Day Of 2024

The temperatures today overshot the forecast by a few degrees. It turned out to be our first time of the year reaching the 90s.


Some Of The Trees Are Already Blooming

The trees across the street are already starting to bloom.


Spring Is In The Air Early This YeaR

Yesterday it even smelled like spring outside


That Smoke Was Wild!

That wildfire smoke from Canada was crazy. In the past, we’ve had hazy skies, but this time you could taste it and smell it. Visibility dropped to less than a mile.


Dry Thunderstorms?

It’s not often that you see the potential of dry thunderstorms mentioned around here. Today I see that in the forecast and forecast discussion. I can’t remember seeing that in the past.


The Grass Is Mostly Brown

This spring has been a very dry one. We’ve had less than a third of an inch of rain in May. The grass is mostly brown now.


Grabbed A Few Caches While Running Around

We were finally able to grab a few caches after running to a couple of stores today. We went over to Overlook park for a nice walk in the sun and warm day.


Honeysuckles By The Road

I walked over to the bridge to see what I was hearing down on the train tracks. They’ve been doing some construction. While over there, I noticed some honey suckles blooming and hanging over the edge of the road at the bridge.


Finally Got Something To Drift

It’s not a secret that we had a poor winter here that was virtually snow free. Today I noticed that Pollen had sort of drifted on the patio table from the wind yesterday.


Daffodils Are Really Blooming

We walked past the corner where the flowers come up in the spring when we walked over to Harvey’s BBQ for a late lunch/ early supper. We noticed that the daffodils are in full bloom at that corner.


What A Nice Day Today Turned Into

Yesterday was a really nice day from the start, but today was slower to start. By mid-afternoon, the clouds moved out, and it warmed into the lower 80s. Late in the afternoons, a refreshing southerly breeze kicked in.

  • by Carl
  • 458 words

Trees Are Really Starting To Bloom

The past week or so, I’ve been noticing that the trees are beginning to flower. Today they caught my attention across the street where I could get a good picture of them.


Had To Cut The Grass, Proof that Winter Sucked

The winter that just ended was not a good one at all for us snow lovers. We had hardly any, and the winter was dominated by a southeast ridge, keeping it mostly mild. I had to mow the lawn in late March because it’s growing so much and so green.

  • by Carl
  • 250 words

Yesterday We Had Our First Thunderstorm Of 2023 And They Didn't Disappoint

Here in Mount Joy Yesterday we had our first thunderstorms of the year. The one in the morning just brought us heavy rain and a rumble of thunder. The ones last night brought lots more.


Tree Blooming On Main Street

We were walking home from Joy’s this evening and noticed the white tree that had been planted on Main Street is blooming. It’s a neat tree that’s different from the others along the streets.


Dogwoods Blooming At The Park

We were finally able to get out for a nice walk this evening. There’s just been too much going on. We saw some dogwoods blooming at Memorial Park.


Nice Day For Some Patio Sunshine

It was a nice morning when I took Brooke to the bus stop. The sun was out with a clear sky all morning. I did a quick WOD and decided to head out to the patio to collect some of that sun.


The Bulbs At The Corner Are Flowering

There are a bunch of various types of bulbs that someone planted in the vacant lot across the street. They’re in full bloom now. I noticed them this morning.


Lifts Felt Better Than I Expected This Morning

I did better than I expected that I would with my lifts this morning. Friday I got my COVID-19 booster shot and felt like shit yesterday. At least I slept better last night.


Good Day In The Gym But The Heat Hit Me

It was a pretty good day for me in the home gym. I made all my lifts. The WOD was really tough because by that time it was in the 70s with a dew point in the upper 50s.


First Chance To Eat Supper On The Patio

It’s such a nice day today, we decided to take advantage of i and eat supper out on the patio at the table. The sinking sun and slight breeze felt good.


It's Time To Put The Screen Back In The Front Door

With today and the next few days being so warm, and it’s the middle of April now, we decided to take the glass out and put the screen back in the front door.


First Daffodil I Noticed Blooming

We got out for a nice walk this evening after supper. The trees are blooming, and some bulbs are starting to flower.


Mowing The Lawn In Snow Flurries

It’s said there’s a first time for everything. Today was my first time mowing the lawn with snow flakes and graupel falling.


Some Of The Trees Are Blooming

Today I noticed or at least took the time to go get a picture of some of the trees that are blooming. This year they’re not going all at once, but instead they’ve been more one at a time.


Spring Fever

As much as I love cold and the winter these recent 70 degree days are really giving me spring fever now.


More Pictures From Today's Snow Storm After The Sun Came Out

I have always liked seeing fresh snowfall on the trees and stuff when the sun first comes out after a storm. Today was one of those chances I got to see that before it melts or blows off.


First Severe Thunderstorm Warning Of The Year And It Was A Good One For March Here In Mount Joy, PA

March seventh we had our first severe thunderstorm warning of 2022. My weather station recorded a maximum wind gust of 48.1 mph. It was a surprisingly good thunderstorm for early March here in Mount Joy, PA. Even had a couple of flashes of lightning.


First Chance To Open The Windows Today

This morning things didn’t really look like the forecast high in the 70s was going to verify with the thick clouds hanging on. They broke up around lunch time and the temperature went up to 70.


A Bunch Of Robins Hopping Around Our Tree Stump

I looked out the back door to see if it was snowing yet. I was reminded of Nan and Pop telling me when they saw robins when I saw four of them hopping around the tree stump.


Pretty Good Thunderstorm Last Night After Being Missed By A Few Earlier

We had a pretty good thunderstorm last night. That storm came after yesterday being a hot and humid day, with a few thunderstorms missing us earlier.


It Turned Out Nice Today

The forecast this morning was for the sky to remain cloudy all day today but shortly after lunch it cleared up. Not just breaks in the clouds but the sky fully cleared up and remained that way at least until after sunset save a few small clouds.


The Humidity Has Arrived

Spring is finally feeling like it’s here. It was nice this morning and today was the first day so far this year that it just felt humid


It Was Nice To Sleep With The Window Open

I’ve always preferred sleeping with the windows open. That’s exactly what we got to do last night. It seems to make me sleep better


First Flowers I've Noticed This Spring

It’s starting to look like spring now that I noticed the first flowers of the spring blooming. It was some yellow bulbs near Main street.


It's About As Humid As It Gets Around Here

Yesterday into this morning its been extremely humid. The dew point’s been in the mid 70s. That’s about as humid as it gets around here.


Found The Honeysuckles I've Been Smelling

I’ve been smelling honeysuckles for a few days now but never could find them. Today I noticed the white and yellow flowers in the vacant lot at the railroad tracks so I went to check them out. Of course I ate some while I was over there. Reminded me a lot of when I was a kid and they grew right out front.


More Flowers Blooming Across The Street

I noticed some more flowers were blooming across the street in the vacant lot. Of course I had to go check them out. While I was over there several white butterflies were flying Across.


Yesterday's Derecho

A derecho moved through Pennsylvania and New Jersey yesterday. We only got a decent storm with moderate wind. The bow moved north of us though.


Fast Moving Line Of Thunderstorms Today

This morning there was a very fast moving line of thunderstorm moving through Pennsylvania. The severe thunderstorm warning had them moving 100 miles per hour. That’s not something I remember seeing to often if ever.


Today's Humidity Is Nasty

It’s just a nasty humid spring day. It’s been drizzly and miserable. The tropical storm moving up to our west is pumping all that tropical moisture in.


Another Windy Day Today

Today has been a strange day. It’s been surprisingly windy with winds from the east.


Finally A Warm Spring Like Day

We’re finally getting a warm spring like day after the first half of May was rainy and Chilly. It took until the middle of May to even reach the 80s this year.


Windy, Cold And Snow Flurries Yesterday

Yesterday was a windy and cold May day. There were snow flurries nearby, but I didn’t personally see any.


May Eighth And Snow Showers In The Forecast

I had to laugh at the chance of snow showers in the forecast. It’s even funnier being may and after the fact that we’ve had such a poor winter.


Our Bleeding Hearts Turned Out Nice

Our bleeding hearts came up and are in full bloom. They really turned out nice.


If Only We Could Have Had This Weather Pattern In January Or February

It took too long, but we are finally getting into a weather pattern that could have given us snow during the winter. We were stuck with a milder pattern during the winter but now, but it’s cool and stormy.


More Flowers Blooming At The Corner

More of the flowers at the corner are blooming now. The daffodils are flowering and some other bulbs.


I Noticed More Tulips Blooming Along The Street

I have posted before about the flowers at the corner blooming but with the negativity in the world I have to share pictures. Now its more of the tulips blooming.


It's Been Windy Since Those Storms And The Cold Front Rolled Through Yesterday

It has been windy since yesterday’s storms and cold front moved through.There have been some strong gusts here.


Pretty Impressive April Thunderstorm

We had a pretty impressive April thunderstorm race past us. WE didn’t get directly under the cell but we got the edge which brought plenty of wind and of course thunder and lightning.


Pretty Good Morning Thunderstorm

We had a pretty good thunderstorm about 3:00 AM this morning. It brought pretty decent lightning and winds especially for othis time of the year.


Our Bleeding Hearts Are Beginning to Flower

We decided to try bleeding hearts in our front yard last year, since they are perennials. They came back up and are starting to bloom now.


More Spring Flowers

I noticed more of the bulbs at the corner blooming so I had to go get pictures. I want to continue with my posts with positive stuff. Spring and flowers both fit that.


The Trees Are Blooming Now

The trees are blooming now and it’s only March 30th! I do enjoy seeing the street trees blooming.


First Thunder of 2020

It’s a chilly day with on and off heavy rain today. A few minutes ago I heard my first thunder of 2020. Hope we get in on some good storms this spring and summer.


Today Turned Out Really Nice!

Today started out damp and dreary but it turned out to be a really nice day. After we got home from the grocery store I did my starting strength. After that I half slept/ zoned out on the chair in the sun on the patio.


Our First Eighty Degree Day?

Today started out warm. It was our first 80 degree day of 2020


It Cleared Up And Got Nice So We Went For A Walk And A Couple Of Caches

It cleared up today and got nice. We decided that it was the perfect opportunity to go for a nice walk and a couple of caches on the Northwest River Trail.


Finally A Nice Day When We Could Get outside For A Bit

We finally had a nice day so we could get outside for a nice walk. We were able to grab a couple of caches while we were out.


High In The 60s Yesterday and Today

We got into the 60s today and got into the 60s yesterday. Any trace of last week’s snow is long gone thanks to the mild temperatures.


Warm Day And Evening Thunderstorm

We had a warm day today and an evening thunderstorm in March is always good


Eighty Degrees in February!

Our biggest snow storms seem to be around President’s Day. That won’t be the case today, with the high temperature being near 80℉.


A Bird Keeps Attacking His Reflection In Our Windows

Over the past several days, I have been hearing an odd banning sound. We finally discovered the source today when Molly saw a bird repeatedly attacking our windows.


DNF On The Cache But We Saw Some Pretty Spring Flowers

We got over to Chickies Rock Park for a geocache today. Sadly, the cache was a DNF for us, but we did get to see some pretty spring flowers in bloom.


Cached On A New To Us Trail Today

We got to play in the woods for my girlfriend’s day off.


Got To Watch Lightning In A Distant Thunderstorm This Evening

There was a potent thunderstorm today up towards Hershey, Lebanon. The sky was unusually clear for a day with thunderstorms this evening, so I got to watch the lightning flashing in and out of the distant storm.


I Saw A Robin Pecking In The Snow

I looked in the backyard and saw robins pecking in the snow. It reminded me a lot of Nan and Pop, who were always thrilled to see them in the spring.


Northeast Heatwave Ending With Storms?

Today will be the last day of this heat wave that has been affecting us here in central Pennsylvania. Hopefully it ends with a bang meaning good storms.


Severe Weather Then A Heat Wave

What an awesome line of storms we had move through here on Wednesday. There were even reports of tornadoes with the second line. Now on to the heat.


Flood Watch And Mild

We’re in for a milder storm with plenty of moister available. A flood watch will be active.
