
Fitness and everything else

First Chance To Open The Windows Today

This morning it certainly didn’t look as if the forecast for the high to be in the 70s was going to verify. The clouds were hanging tough like they do so many times east of the mountains in the spring around here.

Around lunch time the sun started coming through and the temperature quickly shot up from 58℉to 71℉in an hours time. The winds switched from a light east to a pretty gusty south west at that time too.

As much as I love the winter and snow it’s always special the first time you can open up the windows in the spring and let air flow through the house. It gets rid of that stale winter feeling that seems to linger around with the lack of fresh air when it’s too cold to do so. I have two upstairs windows open right now listening and feeling the breeze come through and smelling the fresh air (thankfully the farms behind us didn’t decided to spread shit today.) The temperature is actually rising in the house with the heat off.

I am ready for spring now that our tree’s gone so we can really enjoy time out on our patio.