Daffodils Are Really Blooming
We wanted something different today, so we walked over to Harvey’s BBQ for a late lunch or early supper. Call it whatever you want to call it. I just wanted to get home n time to watch the Philly’s home opener on TV. Harvey’s has had fish and chips on their special for Friday, and I was going to try it last time, but that changed when we smelled the smoker. Today I didn’t notice the smell. The wind was blowing it away from us, I guess. I got the fish and chips, and it was pretty good. It was not even in the same ballpark as their BBQ but I didn’t expect that.
We had to walk across the bridge, which meant we had to walk past the area on the corner where all the flowers are planted. We noticed today that the daffodils are in full bloom. It’s always great to see the spring flowers.
The picture is weird with the dimensions because I had the wrong camera setting setup or something, but it’s still showing what I wanted it to show.